News and tips on credit cards, loans, mortgages and other money matters

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Couple sat on the sofa, with a close up of buckets on the living room floor catching water from a roof leak

The hidden home repairs that could cost you thousands

Owning a home comes with hidden costs like roof, plumbing, and structural repairs. Stay on top of maintenance to avoid unexpected bills and protect your budget.

Money Management


Close up of a calculator showing "APR" on the screen

Why is my APR so high?

If you find credit with an attractive APR, you might be pretty annoyed when you apply and it’s higher. In this blog, Ocean explains why lenders can offer different customers different rates.

Find out what a mortgage stress test is, why lenders use it, and how it helps protect you when buying a home.

What is a mortgage stress test?

Find out what a mortgage stress test is, why lenders use it, and how it helps protect you when buying a home.
