Consolidate your cards
If you have several credit cards, each with a different balance and interest rate, and a credit card calculator reveals it will be extremely costly and take several years to pay these off, there could be a solution. Providing you have used your current cards responsibly and not missed any minimum payments, you could apply for a balance transfer card with a rate of 0%.
Balance transfer cards let you transfer the outstanding balances on your existing credit and store cards over, so you then make just one repayment a month rather than several. This makes managing your finances a lot simpler – and it could be cheaper too.
Because many of these card providers offer introductory rates of 0% to borrowers with the best credit histories, your payments will go just towards clearing your balance and not be spent on interest. Do your best to clear the balance in full before the 0% period ends, and you could save yourself a bundle on interest. Just be sure not to restart spending on the cards you’ve cleared, or you’ll once again be left juggling several repayments a month.
We hope this guide has cleared up any questions you had about credit card calculators and the advantages of using them. Give ours a go now, and remember you can find lots more useful financial guides on our website.
Alternatively, if you want to work out the estimated monthly payments on a loan or mortgage, check out our loan calculator here or our mortgage calculator here.